Books have been taken for granted. They are rarely regarded as art. The majority of books the general public is familiar with are bound simply and presented with text or photos presenting a story, the things you buy for causual reading. It seems that children's books are the only avenue of departure from conventional binding. Remember pop-up books when you were a child? That is a form of book art. It is interactive and dimensional. The pop-up book ventures into your world.
Most media can only be experienced in a chronological manner. We watch films from beginning to end. We listen to songs from start to finish. The greatest advantage a book offers the reader is the ability to control the sequence of events. The pace of the experience is viewer determined.
A book is the joining of many parts, each vital, each telling a story. The joy experienced when exploring a handmade book is an adventure; a new world visited over and over. This is a world in which the reader has complete control over the advancement of time. In an age where the demand for the delivery of information has become immediate, a handmade book is the antithesis of such information delivery. Books are meant to be held and read leisurely. Handmade books are designed to open up into your world so you may explore their world.
We may receive our news online and novels might be read by handheld devices, but the book as art will never be replaced or become replacable. It is an expression of a story, created for more than just reading. Handmade books are meant to be touched and held.